
Skype customer service live chat
Skype customer service live chat

You'll then be given solutions that you can try.ĥ. Choose the situation that's most relevant to you.Ĥ. You'll then be asked to be more specific. Click on ‘Contact us' from Skype's homepageģ. Skype doesn't have a dedicated customer service number, so the best way to contact them is via live chat, email, or social media. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can talk to a customer service representative via live chat. You can either browse the FAQ or type your topic into the search bar to be taken to the relevant page. You'll be able to get answers to common issues and advice about how to solve the problem. Skype has a dedicated page on their website, which can help you to troubleshoot this page is called the help desk. You can find all the information you need at Skype's help desk, whether you want to change or cancel your skype subscription or add money to your account. If you're having problems making calls, signing into your account, or aren't happy with the quality of your calls, a customer service rep will be able to help solve your problem. However, sometimes you may have a problem with your account and want to contact a customer service rep. Skype is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family around the world.

skype customer service live chat

How do I chat with a Skype customer service rep?

Skype customer service live chat